T. N. Krishnan Concert Part 3

During the intermission, I also met a very talented little boy named Kavi and his parents. It turns out that little Kavi is quite an amazing artist himself. He too had been drawing at a concert just the day before. He came over and asked me if he could sit with me for the second half of the show and watch me draw. I was very flattered, and who doesn't want a cool sidekick?! Turns out he plays the mrdangam too. He gave me some great encouragement while I drew these sketches focusing on T. N. Krishnan who had this wonderful intensity about him as he played with his son Sriram Krishnan. I tried to do fewer, more detailed sketches, rather than the quick stuff I usually do at live shows. It's so much fun to watch musicians perform and have a great time feeding off the audience and vice versa.

Lastly, I drew a closeup of the amazing Vellore Rambabhadran who along with Vinod Venkatraman kept me moving with their percussion. Anyway, just wanted to share some of the fun I had. Hope you like it too.