T. N. Krishnan Concert Part 2

It was a very special day, not only because there were several master musicians performing, but because it was also an extremely talented young violinist's introduction. Aishu Venkatraman started off the concert with her father Vinod Venkatraman on kanjira and Vellore Ramabhadran on mrdangam. I sat down right in front, because I love watching musicians play and of course drawing them. They spotted me real quick...I couldn't really pretend I wasn't drawing.

Another talented member of the family, Aishu's even younger sister Aparna complimented my drawing during the intermission. This sophisticated little lady told me that she was more talkative and not as good as her friend Kavi at drawing, but she did know how to draw a monkey. What could be a sweeter gift than this beautiful monkey she drew for me in my sketchbook! I love looking at her cute sketch even more than any of the pages I drew that day. Thanks Aparna!