
sor_sc08_sh0030bAfter a nice breakfast of channai, naan, left over aloo gosh and tea, courtesy of friends, I set things up and got ready for the day’s work.I’m storyboarding a difficult dance sequence that involves eight puppets. It is fun to place the camera in different spots and see where I can create the most interesting way to tell the story. The challenges are many, as I am just one person, I need to get the puppets to stand or sit and approximate the kinds of actions they will perform in a given shot. Puppets are meant to be performed with, so without the performer, they are quite lifeless.On top of that, the electricity is going out even more often today. I have a few battery powered lights that will last a short while, so I keep moving forward using them. My laptop battery runs out pretty quick when I am editing.. Things look rougher than I would want, since I can’t create the correct light setups or poses on my own, but I think I can get the information I need to shoot the film.It’s a struggle. I feel like the mosquitoes are over excited today, adding to the discomfort. Any one of these issues can make it difficult to concentrate and encourage my mind to wander to anything other than the work at hand. My computer freezes, then I have to reboot it and wait for the hard drive to slowly connect. Somehow, I need to keep on task and move forward. I am making good progress, so I have to keep at it.After a few too many computer crashes and no electricity, I took a short break. I walked out the door, past kids playing in the street. As I passed an empty lot with a few dumpsters in it, there were other small children playing in the dumpsters. They were probably throwing away tree trimmings or looking for recycling, but they were still being kids. I saw a man I have passed several times lately on the sidewalk, selling sunglasses. He switched street corners. It’s a tough spot to sell.I was on my way to Bulleh Shah kulfi, and as I reached, I saw that it was shuttered. It is sunday after all. So, I walked back the opposite way, picked up a bottle of apple soda and thought hey, let’s live a little, and picked up a small bottle of leechee soda as well, then walked back, my head a bit clearer and my challenges so much smaller.