Over 800,000 olive trees have been destroyed over the years by the cruel Israeli occupation. It reminds me of the some 40 million buffalos killed by the US government in the 1800s, again to make life impossible for an indigenous population that depended on nature and found ways to live in balance with it. The colonizers do not respect the land, They destroy the balance of nature and erase all humanity and history to create an abomination of harmfully transplanted plants, and unsustainable practices for entitled, cruel people that seek only to take more. That was already the baseline, with full on apartheid and constant ousting, murder and imprisonment of Palestinians.
Today, the Zionists push for “Greater Israel”, a piece of each neighbor and a never ending spread of a supremacist ideology that fits with corporate interest in exploitation and theft.
Brown University decides to not bother divesting from companies complicit in this genocide.
Democrats refuse to allow voices of dissent, much less consider changing course, yet demand our votes.
#ceasefire #reparations #genocide #calloutkamala #theworldhasarighttodefenditself #novotesforgenocide #usimperialismmustend #lebanon #palestine #syria #yemen #iran #inktober #olivetrees #marker #protest #shutitdown4palestine #weekofrage