Thor 8 Bit

I created an 8 bit design based on Marvel Comics' Thor, inspired by video games from my childhood and the epic stories written and drawn by Walter Simonson. Please vote for it on threadless, so it can be the design chosen for their contest.

Thor 8 Bit design for Threadless contest.
Thor 8 Bit design for Threadless contest.

It was Walter Simonson, who created what to me is the definitive mythology for Thor in comics. I remember my brother and I scrounging through dusty stacks of comics in book stalls wherever we went in Pakistan, in search of dog eared comics. Every time we saw a book store or stall, we'd make our parents stop so we could go in and ask if they had comics. Sometimes they only had Archie, and we'd walk away disappointed, but every now and then, there would be some well worn copies of Marvel and DC comics. You'd get issue 300 of something, and maybe the year before we picked up 298 and eventually we would have a semi solid run on a book. These were some of the best times for reading comics. When the electricity would go or we'd be stuck at home, for long hours, unable to go anywhere, we'd dive into the imaginative worlds created by the likes of Walter Simonson, Chris Claremont, Paul Levitz, Keith Giffen, Ann Nocenti, Peter David and so many others.Eventually, we moved back to the US and started going to comic book stores to fill in our back issues and countlessly reread these rich and exciting stories. That was my inspiration for taking Simonson's epic story of how Surtur shattered the Rainbow Bridge between Asgard, home of the gods and Earth, leaving Thor, always caught between worlds, unable to be there when he was needed most. Those were great times in comics. Stories would develop over many years as writers and artists who had grown up reading comics and consuming literature and fine art brought a deeper sensibility to iconic characters. Thank you.