Animals of Lahore

I really enjoy walking around the old walled city in Lahore, Pakistan. On my walks, I run into all kinds of interesting buildings, history, people and of course animals. In this post, I'm going to focus on that list category, animals. Early in the morning, you can see donkeys hauling bricks and other construction equipment down the narrow lanes where trucks can't go. Here and there you'll find chickens, walking around, eating, and checking out the scene. Now and then you'll see a goat, looking confused about why you're there as much as you are about it. There are even some parrots and pigeons, often kept in large cages on tall rooftops. The pigeons shown here are actually outside the walled city, in front of the National College of Arts, where I have seen people drive up and spread bird seeds around the famous Kim's Gun, a cannon immortalized by Rudyard Kipling's, who spent some years in Lahore and incidently whose father started the art college, which used to be called the Mayo School of Arts.