NYC Part 2

I went to Lexington and had some Kashmiri chai. One day I head over to Jackson Heights in search of an excellent Pakistani painter Moazzam Ali whom I had heard might be living in the area. I called a number that may have been his at one point and even went to a building where he might have lived, but no luck. I guess it might have been a more interesting story if I had actually found him. I did talk to some desi sounding dude on the phone a few times that I called the phone number I had. Each time he just said it was a wrong number and refused to talk any further. I had better luck at the amazing Hispanic Society of America Museum. I went there to see some original paintings by the great Spanish artist Joaquin Sorolla y Bastida. He did an almost life size series of paintings depicting Spanish culture from his time. There was a special room set up specifically for these incredible pieces. You can see some details in the photos below.Timesquare was interesting as was Rockefeller Center, and my buddy Ashish who joined me for the second half of my trip. There was fresh fruit in Chinatown, graffiti, food stands, rain, beautiful sunsets on little Italy and all kinds of exciting life and activity in this concrete, steel and glass city.