Downtown Toledo Photos

Went to downtown Toledo to check out a drawing session, but it turned out the postcard I looked at was very old, and the session was no longer there. Met a few guys who were kicking back some beers at the studio location. They were nice enough to try and direct me to where they were pretty sure sessions were being held down the street. I drove down, and couldn't find it. So instead, I bring you photos from downtown Toledo...couldn't make a complete waste of the trip. I just drove around and took these. The top most water skyline is a stitch of two photos. I liked the composition with the left side fading to dark, but I also liked the nice lights and details on the far right of the other photo. A lot of the shots I took (and didn't include here) were too grainy (which is hard to see in the lcd display) or lights were too blown out (need to lower the exposure settings as I did for some of these). So, still learning lots.