Drawing Club Princess

Went over to Bob Kato's Drawing Club. Now that I'm done with my work project, I'm taking time to focus on my own. I really have to keep up with the drawing, so I went to the Drawing Club class. I always loved Bob's class at Disney, and now that I have time I can make it to these sessions. So here's a batch from my first 3 hr session at the club. Some experimentation in terms of size and style. That first one is the last one I drew and the largest of the session. It took about half an hour at a relaxed pace, and was painted straight watercolors, with no pencils (which is how I paint most of my stuff). I used green, gold and black ink on a few and pencils first on two sketches. I think the green one is the most successful of the more exaggerated ones. This was a really fun session. Check out some of the other artist's work here.