Rock the Bells San Bernadino

I went to Rock the Bells, an amazing hip hop show in San Bernadino. The lineup was amazing. Out of all the performers, I managed sketches of Mos Def, a member of the Roots, Cypress Hill (all in the second last set), Public Enemy (third set of sketches) and Rage Against the Machine (first two sets). Public Enemy and Rage Against the Machine were by far the most amazing performances. These two are Hip Hop with content and not the usual ego stroking nonsense. Rage's set was up there with the most intense and amazing performances of any band I have ever seen. The lineup went on far beyond the few acts I managed to sketch. I was pretty far from the stage, so the sketches are kind of quick and vague. By the time Rage went on, people had jumped the gates and poured into the isles, creating a mosh pit about 6 seats away from where I sat. We ended up balancing on folding chairs, to see the stage..and that's how I sketched them. Couldn't let a little madness keep me from that.
This song says it all: