Eddie Vedder and the Red Hot Chili Peppers at Hullabaloo

I went to an amazing, small show called Hullabaloo at the Henry Fonda theatre with performers like Eddie Vedder, the Red Hot Chili Peppers and others. It was a benefit for a great organization called the Silver Lake Conservatory of Music, which works to provide young musicians with music education and aids in purchasing instruments as well. It's a crime that the arts somehow don't play a part in public education anymore. It's too bad the country is so poor and has no money for such "frivolous" stuff. Being creative and challenging your mind is essential for anyone, whether they pursue a career in art or not. Not to mention, it is an amazing outlet for people to channel their aggresion, depression and to just stimulate the mind in general. It's great to see organizations like this one, fostering that creativity and talent. Some very good bands, consisting of kids from this program were among the opening acts. The last sketch is of one of these students. I was too packed in and jumping up and down to draw during Eddie Vedder's performance, but I wriggled out a little further when the Red Hot Chili Peppers went on and managed a few of them. Words can't describe how incredible it is to see musicians like this in such a small venue, only a few sardine packed rows from the stage.