Bhangra at the Music Center

This one is dedicated to my little pal Yulli Garcia who helped me finish it. I went to downtown LA, where during summer they have a program with different types of dance over several weeks. Friday was Bhangra night, so of course I was there. A bit tired from work, I sat down and figured I'd do a painting before joining. Once you start one of these things you have to finish it, even if your mind starts to wander. You don't want to rush it and make it look bad either. So I went ahead and decided to be somewhat ambitious. I felt the beat in my body and just painted. About halfway through, I wasn't sure if I could keep my concentration, when I noticed two little eyes watching. You can't get lazy with an audience. Now I really had to make sure the piece turned out right!
So I kept painting, and every now and then I'd falter and little Yulli (soon to be in the fourth grade) knew just the right number of dancers to add. Turns out she's a Salvidor Dali fan and an artist herself. I'd like to dedicate this piece to Yulli and her fine artistic tastes. Thanks!