
So..I have returned at last. It's been an insanely busy few weeks. Usually I don't write a whole lot. I prefer to just post sketches of what I have been up to, but I lost my sketchbook in all the chaos and until/if it's back all I've got is this photo that my friend Abhi took while I was sketching at the Artwallah Festival.

Basically, I was busy organizing the festival after party, which took place at a really cool venue called Soul Folks in downtown Los Angeles. In addition to this, I knocked out a set of backgrounds for a short piece that my friends from the Post Natyam Collective are working on, and squeezed in time for my personal animated short as well as that whole full time job thing.

It all culminated in this weekend at the JACCC which is where Artwallah took place this year. Met all kinds of amazing people , including other volunteers, artists and many random people. Between all the work, I managed to check out outdoor acts like Micro Pixie, Vidya Quartet, Himalayan Project, My Pet Dragon, Falu. I was too hyper to sit still enough for the films and workshops. I met Ela Shah and her husband a few days before. Her beautiful mobiles were in our visual art gallery. I watched the first half of the evening show which was amazing, then I had to run off and finish setting up for the after party.

We were lucky enough to have a huge lineup of performers who came and partied with us. In no particular order, DJ Ameet Mehta and his wife Lena, Lovely, Anand Subramanian, DJ Dithmar Rualo, Ananda Sen, DJ Nitin Mukul, Himalayan Project, Shalini Rehil, Tanza Dancers and Jason Joseph. I was very busy running all over the party working, so if I missed anyone, let me know! Anyway, these amazing performers kept it all going till 5am. My heartfelt thanks to all of you!