My pal Alina, the Ice Cream Monster

I did this caricature of Alina as revenge for all her misdeeds. That's all she's got online, but you should see my poor sketchbook she destroyed with evil drawings. It's too painful for me to scan. So I did some quick doodles in pencil, scanned them, hacked them together in photoshop and added some color. I wasn't trying to clean it up. The final image was always intended to be the watercolor. I like the pencil one best. The face kind of changed by the time I got it to the watercolor. I haven't had as much time to paint and draw lately, but I want to try and spend a bit more time on the ones I do, just to more consciously work towards improving.

Below you can see some of the quick sketches I did to figure out how I'd approach this.

Now if I can only get photoes of Cholki and Mark...