Last week, I had a chance to attend the National Jubilee Arts Festival in Los Angeles as a judge. I judged visual art and performances. Above, you can see some photos from the gallery. What a beautiful event, in which a community came together to celebrate and encourage art making. My friend Karim Gowani asked if I'd like to judge some of the art and I'm glad I did. It was very inspiring to see the outpouring of volunteers and members of the Ismaili community celebrating their values through art. Judging was certainly challenging, as there was a lot of beautiful work. What I enjoyed most was talking to artists and people just there to enjoy art and support while I walked around the gallery. Thanks to Shamim, Farzana, Karim and all the other wonderful volunteers and artists who worked so hard to put it all together. I hope this is the first of many. Good luck to all those who passed this round and on to the next in Lisbon, but I hope that regardless of how a piece 'scored' that it is the thought and the process of creating that really matter.