I went to see my friends Doctors and Engineers at their EP release show at Tropico De Nopal. These are friends I have known for years and it was so fantastic to see the fruition of much labor. People don't often realize how much it takes to put together music, record and create an event. It's a ton of after hours blood, sweat and tears to hone skills and create something incredible, somehow between all else that life throws your way. I was so glad to be there and enjoy the incredible lineup of King Kang, El Haru-Kuroi, Discostan and headliners, Doctors and Engineers. After the shit show that has been this election, it was quite amazing to be in a room that represents a cross section of what this beautiful city has to offer. It was a gathering of cultural, ethnic, linguistic, artistic diversity, with all genders, orientations and simply fantastic people doing what they can to better the world around them in those on stage and off.Many around the US don't seem to understand or care about the ramifications of what just happened. Bigotry, misogyny and a complete lack of relevant experience was rewarded with the presidency. Overwhelmingly white America sold out the rest of the country in the hopes of possibly reclaiming some tax dollars, cutting out healthcare and in many cases being able to be a bigoted piece of shit without guilt. I'm thankful for spaces like this show, because so many of all races have fought to get us all that we have, and in this beautiful, musical release, I felt like this was a window into that richness that we're going to fight to protect. If you don't see the problem, check out this link.Here are some sketches I made during the show, while peeking from behind heads, dodging elbows and trying to see in the dark.