The phones were down and so was the internet. Surprisingly, the electricity wasn’t going out every other hour or more, so I set one of the stories to render so that I can share a version with the dp. I did not know how long it would take. 14 hours later, it is still rendering. I took a break today from storyboarding and decided to read Hans Bachar’s excellent book on production design once again, called “Dream Worlds”. It is my favorite book on shot design. The studies of scenes from different film and the entire look at production design is fantastic. I reread it every time I am working on storyboards, hoping that I can apply a bit more of this knowledge.Other than that, I am starting to organize lighting references. I don’t know that I have time to paint lighting references for each shot, so I am digging up photo references for lighting. These will provide inspiration for the lighting setups of each shot. There is so much planning that goes into a shoot.