I went over to NCA to talk to the Film and Television department. It is important to look into all options and resources regarding shooting “Risalo”. I met with my friend Suffi Bilal and caught up a bit. My coming over was last minute and unfortunately the department head was quite busy. He tried to make time, but there was just too much going on. I met with some other people in the department and was able to bounce ideas off of them and get some names of possible dps. This is just as a backup in case down the road other plans do not work out.After that, I walked over to catch a wagon (those tightly packed vans) to Evernew Studios for a meeting with Nomi sahib. The wagons were so full that the drivers shook their heads “no” as I flagged them down from afar. Usually, they would be overflowing with people and they would stop and squeeze you in Tetris style. They were packed beyond even that today. So, I waited, and several past with the same problem.I flagged down a rickshaw and took that instead, after the usual negotiation. Name a price, they give you a counter price. You repeat your price and walk away. So, with the right price (I usually end up paying too much), we were on the way. After getting through the usual blocked roads, we got there. I walked in and met up with a member of Nomi sahib’s office (Tryangle Studios). I had some water and tea, then got to editing a bit. By then, Nomi dropped by and we discussed his production and equipment rental companies. He could help organize and setup the production with one company and then get equipment through the other. He seemed genuinely interested in making this film together and all the next steps on my end would be to finish the new draft of storyboards while he took my current numbers and put together a budget.He was headed to Qalma chowk and offered to drop me there, where I could get on the metro to return easily. He was going to meet production friends, some of whom I know, so I tagged along for that and met up with Sohail sahib and shared a scene I had boarded. He was appreciative and could begin to see the elements coming together. His enthusiasm was very helpful. He also made some good suggestions as always. Some regarding possibly showcasing the film and episodic form, or localizing music were good thoughts to keep in mind for future possibilities. You just never know which direction things will go, so it is helpful to have through through options before hand.I added the rest of the photos from my last session to the edit. There are definitely places where I could remove shots and lengthen some. I head home after, feeling a lot better about these next steps in the process. There is a great deal of work to be done before we are ready for production, but those steps are in progress.