I spent the morning going over blog posts. During July, I had stopped posting all together. I kept writing, but things were so difficult while working on the music for “Risalo” that I could not bring myself to keep posting. So it was, that in mid August, I was rereading and posting blog entries from July.It is a bit difficult to read through those posts. The weight of those struggles is still here, though some distance and time has helped me push ahead. I try to focus on the great people that helped me through the process. Once again, I find myself looking at and getting to know a new set of people, connected through old friends who offer advice and assistance, without which things would be impossible.I did some research and a few sketches for the first cloth background I want to create for “Risalo”. I looked at some other examples of quilted landscapes and flat color, graphic shape landscapes for inspiration. It helps to see how others have tackled a particular challenge.A little goat was crying in the yard behind the hostel room. My wife and I saw it come up to the window. We saw it through the screen and dirty glass. She suggested that we feed it the yogurt she just made with spices in it. I reminded her that Pakistanis don’t feed goats spicy yogurt, we eat goats with spicy yogurt. I don’t know, I didn’t want the little fella to have a problem with spices. I’ve only ever fed grass to goats. The hostel doors on that side have locks on them, so I walked around and found a gate to that same yard. I opened it and the little goat followed me out. Then I was told that someone had brought it for safe keeping. A guard put it back in. I went to get some water for the little goat, but by the time I stepped back out of my room with it, the goat’s owner was taking care of it. In the evening we visited some relatives and enjoyed some delicious food.