With scripts and recordings in hand for the rest of “Risalo”, I wanted to get them out to singers so they can start rehearsing. I went to send a script to Jamaludin Faqir sahib, but the courier service said the address was insufficient. That is an issue I have come across a few times. Some areas have a real small town feel in terms of their address. It could be next to such and such place, which once it arrives there, it will get to the right spot, but with companies such as the courier service, that same address won’t fly and there really is not another one to give.I called the musician and was in luck. He was on his way to Karachi with his group for a performance. They would pass by Jamshoro. This would save me a lot of effort, as he lives several hours away.I went to the toll plaza to meet him as fast as I could on a cheap shared auto rickshaw. He was fifteen minutes away, so I sat down in a dingy little dhaba and had a soda. While the rain had made temperatures a lot easier to deal with, the sun is still the sun.We talked on a the phone back and forth for a while as he got closer. Then we realized that I had gone to the far away toll plaza and he was at the closer one. I don’t really know these things.I went further until I found a rickshaw and we head to the highway restaurant the musicians were waiting at. I met the group and apologized for making them wait. Then one of the members motioned to the car, as Jamuldin Faqir sahib himself stepped out. No introductions were needed, as I had been listening to his recordings for years. We sat down and had some sodas as I handed off the script and some reference recordings.We discussed “Risalo”, what was needed and what kind of references I had put on the disc. They asked if I would be able to get back and I said yes. We part ways and I sprinted across the freeway to the lone rickshaw standing by a little hut. It was the same one that brought me their. The driver had a drink of water and then I had him drop me off at the society, where I had come 4 hours earlier to grab a late lunch before all of this took place.It was great to meet the musicians and to be able to hand off materials face to face. Let’s see where things go from here.