Let's meet at...never

After a great night’s sleep I got ready, then worked on some drawing. Najib sahib prepared some breakfast and we hung out for a while. I was supposed to meet a musician to get some leads on female singers who could sing Shah Latif’s poetry well. In the evening, I was going to work with friends to get the remaining portion of the Sindhi script typed up. So, around 11am, I head back to the hostel and started prepping for the rest of the day.At noon, I called the musician as he had told me to. No answer. Over the next two hours, I ate lunch and kept checking back and calling. Of course there was no answer. I feel like Jamshoro has an epidemic of this. This past month, I have spent the majority of my time waiting for people and calling them with no response at times they had suggested. What a waste of time.I ended up doing an overhaul of the script, removing a few verses here and there that seemed unneeded in the animatic of “Risalo”. I even went through the painstaking task of checking the Sindhi verses that were typed, against the verses in the books they were from. I found some mistakes and did my best to correct them.My evening/night meeting never happened either. I wish people would at least let me know that they are canceling. I understand that plans change and things come up, but I’ve spent the last month just waiting, and just not believing people when they say we are meeting up at a particular time anymore. I don’t know how to make plans like this. I do make a point to keep reevaluating options and then doing whatever I can, but how do you make plans when no one sticks to them or even lets me know they have changed?I did make a point to create a funny little happy birthday animation for my wife. That was fun to do. Hisam’s brother came by and fixed the fan, which is a much appreciated relief. Plans for monday, shifted to tuesday…