Fishtank Ensemble at the Levitt Pavilion

I went over to join the wonderful folks from Art Division, who were creating a community mural. It was fun drawing with artists from Art Division and with them, encouraging little kids to join the fun. Afterwards, I watched Fishtank Ensemble perform at the Levitt Pavilion in MacArthur Park. Summer has begun!

Fishtank Ensemble painted live at the Levitt Pavilion
Fishtank Ensemble painted live at the Levitt Pavilion
Fishtank Ensemble painted live at the Levitt Pavilion
Fishtank Ensemble painted live at the Levitt Pavilion


Coastal Beauty

Stopped along the coastal highway to take in some of the breath taking beauty on the way to San Francisco. I managed this watercolor while being battered by the wind. My fingers were sore from holding on to the paper by the time I decided to leave, but it was worth it to stop off the highway, and hike down through thick shrubs and flowers to spend some time admiring nature.

Refugee Nation

I went to a powerful play put on by my friends at Teada, called Refugee Nation. It dealt with the affects of the brutal, 9 year U.S. bombing of Laos on the people there as well as the refugees who came to the U.S. and their children. It is powerful to see the human consequences of the war, which came out to about one full load of bombs dropped from a U.S. plane onto the tiny nation of Laos every 8 minutes for 9 years. That is unimaginable. How do we hold governments accountable for their atrocities? When we do not, they simply continue to violate the security and humanity of nations, as we see with continued violence perpetuated on the people of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and so many more.