Wednesday 3's and 5's Ink and Watercolor

Here are some watercolor figures. I drew them with ink and then quickly added some watercolor on top. The first one is one of the last ones I painted during today's session. On it, I had started laying down some lines and then stopped. It looked like enough so I finished it with watercolors. This is where I want to go.


Here's a quick pencil sketch, with ink and then a watercolor and ink sketch based off it. It's pretty humbling to start getting somewhere with one way of working, then start on something else and have to go through that whole process again. It's going to take some work to get this going! I need to get this line as loose as the quick watercolors and yet retain facial features etc.


Here are some sketches based off a single photo. I've been working on watercolor figures, painted from life for a bit now. Now I want to roll this back into what I did before and move ahead. This is more line than what I want, but it'll take a bit to get there. The top two were drawn directly with ink then painted. The bottom two were painted with watercolor and then line was added. I'm also experimenting with the way I caricature the face and body. The second one on the top is my favorite.

Wednesday Figure Drawing

The model came a bit late, so I started with a sketch of the benches, then two volunteer "models" (fellow artists), and then all the rest are of the model. I actually find that I like these sketches more a few hours after making them rather than right away. I think it's time to pick up some more art supplies..see where I can take this!

Sketchcrawl Pasadena

Alina organized a sketchcrawl in Pasadena today. I got to see a bunch of friends I hadn't seen in a while, as well as some great friends from work and I met many dly new artists. Here are some watercolors. The first is of the Pasadena City Hall Building, and the others are of people hanging out in an outdoor mall courtyard.

Mohini and Vivek

Attended Mohini Banerjee's Bharat Natyam Arangetram and her brother Vivek Banerjee's Tabla Rangapravesh at UCLA Saturday. These are possibly the two most multi-talented kids I know of. Mohini is also a music student of Lalita Sharma, who I also took vocal lessons with. That makes them all like family, so I feel really proud. It's a pleasant reminder of how much we are all capable of if we put our minds to it and work really hard. Managed a few quick watercolor sketches during the performance. I'm still working out where to go with these types of fast sketches. Must do more work...

Blue13 Karishma

Did these watercolors in the dark at Blue13 dance company's performance of Karishma. A lot of times when I do these, often sitting at some performance by myself, I can hardly see anything, and it all looks like junk in the dark. It's always a pleasant surprise to find what I was actually able to capture once the lights come back on. It doesn't hurt that the performers are so talented either!

Hooray for Bollywood

Here are a bunch of water color sketches from a performance called Hooray for Bollywood. These were really fast and in the dark. I tried to do the same as those last few pen sketches, but with water colors. There were all kinds of acrobats, fire, snakes, swords, some great musicians and a lot of excellent dancers. If you get a chance to check this show out, definately do.