Grass, flowers, tree

Went to check out the Klimt exhibit at LACMA on the way back from a Magical Metro Tour. Drew these flowers across from the Craft and Folk Art Museum (which has some beautiful Ukranian painted eggs) down the street. Klimt had an amazing way of painting extremely detailed fields of grass and flowers. I always find it interesting to see how different artists handle that kind of detail. I had his paintings in my mind when I sketched this.

The next day I drew this tree before attending an amazing concert. I did a bunch of drawings during the show which I'll post soon.

Rickshaw Driver

Here's to the rickshaw drivers of Lahore. Last summer, I travelled all around there in rickshaws. Currently there are new laws limiting where they can drive. They are required to change over to CNG or face heavy fines which they can't afford to pay. I understand and agree with the environmental issue, but I hope the government will help them financially to make that transition.

More faces

Practicing some more faces. Not sure which direction to push the typical model/movie star face. That and how to also scruff up cute kid faces (like previous posts) without losing the essence of it. I'll have to work towards that slowly...I like the first face most. It had features I knew what to do with immediatly.

Masjid Wazir Khan

I didn't manage to find Masjid Wazir Khan during my trip to Pakistan last summer. It's one of the places I wanted to visit, but did not have the time to track down. I drew this sketch off of a photo today.

I was going to draw various types of workers in honor of International Worker's Day (May 1st). I managed to sketch this coal mine worker from Pakistan. The back faced figure is from a small show I went to over the weekend.

Lastly, I sketched some Pakistani children's faces. It's very difficult to sketch the cute, innocent faces of small children. The lines are very delicate and it's all too easy to over do it. So here's some practice.

Indian Film Festival

Spent the weekend going to screenings at the Indian Film Festival. Saw many beautiful films. Some of the hilites were seeing Manthan and hearing Nasiruddin Shah speak afterwards, watching documentaries like Widow Colony, Runaway Groom and Waiting, attending the children's storyboard contest breakfast and watching the Peace Tree.

Here are some sketches. Some from the panel on animation in India and a few of the hard working staff at the Arclight Theatre and festival organizers as well as some very talented little dancers who performed at the children's breakfast. The whole event was lots of fun and very inspiring. Thanks to all who made it possible. Looking forward to next year!

Joshua Tree and Santa Monica Food

The view from these mountains in Joshua Tree down into the valley below was absolutely stunning. Here's a little watercolor I did while sitting on a small ledge there. Below is an ink sketch from the weekend before that I did while waiting for some food at Third Street in Santa Monica.

Palm Springs

Went to Palm Springs with some friends over the long weekend. It was an amazing trip. From desert to snow covered mountain tops in one weekend. I took tons of photoes, climbed lots of rocks and had tons of fun. I'll post some sketches from the trip over the next few days.

Here's one I did in Yucca, while sitting outside a fast food place.