Kasur and Lahore

Here are some quick sketches from photoes I took on my trip to Pakistan. A mentally handicapped man at Bulleh Shah's Urs and some children working as runners at a general store in Lahore. My friend Usman Khokher was kind enough to track down the kids and give them prints I sent after returning home. Thanks!

Shah Jamal

Last summer, while in Lahore, Pakistan, I visited the shrine of Shah Jamal. Every thursday night, they have some dhol players (including Pappu Sain) perform there. The air tends to be a bit...thick, but it is quite an amazing thing to see. Here's a drawing I did today, based on some photo refs and my memory. The guy with the big fat one is from my memory.

Beware the Ice Cream monster...

These are the true life events from last Friday night. I'm still shaking...but I had to show the world what I've seen. I owe it to the victims to make sure this horrible creature doesn't get away with it. Beware the Ice Cream monster...

This one came together pretty fast. Once I'd calmed down enough and regained some composure midway through the week, I sketched out the bottom version, then after some revisions, inked the top (final) version. I flipped a few panels in the interest of journalistic integrity so that the left hand (as in reality) was correctly shown.

MFA 2 + 2

Checked out some dance performances Friday night. Trying out some new pens and a new sketchbook with yellow paper. These were all extremely fast and in the dark (very little light). If you've ever tried to draw during a fast paced dance performance then...well you'll know how it is very challenging, but fun.

Children's Folk Dance 1

Last weekend my friend Alina told me there were a whole bunch of little kids dressed in traditional clothes about to put on a dance performance in front of a small Mexican resturaunt around the corner from her. That was enough for me. I grabbed my sketchbook and joined her. I did several pages of pencil drawings. I'll upload them as I get around to coloring them. I want to try a few different methods for computer coloring on these since I never really do that. Here's the first.

Pandit Arun Dravid

I attended a beautiful morning concert of Indian Classical Vocal Music of Pandit Arun Dravid of the Jaipur Gharana. It was a small house concert out in Arcadia. The people were really friendly and I have a lot of respect for those who do what they can to keep the arts alive, simply for the love of it. My thanks to Shobha Dravid Ji for accomodating me at the last minute and to the host family for opening their home to us and allowing people to enjoy such a rare treat!