Wednesday Figures

Some drawing sessions you really feel like you did something. It's been a while, but this time I felt that way. These are 2 and 5 minute poses. A few are probably a minute or less since I would do one sketch and then knock out another before the time was up. Those are the really loose ones that are fun to do. As the red ink ran out, I did a few where I just poured a puddle of ink on the page and drew the entire figure out from that (first image middle crouching figure, fourth image first figure, fifth image first figure). Others were drawn in succession during the same pose, with the second being scribbled out very fast. First two figures in the third image and the first and last figures in the last image are good examples of that.

Manisha Shahane's Band and Amit Apte

I went to see Manisha Shahane and Amit Apte perform at the West LA Farmer's Market. I was glad to run into Mitra Martin and Stefan Fabry (two amazing tango teachers, whom I was lucky enough to enjoy taking classes with back when I had some time) as they performed on stage just before the musicians. I switched from watercolors to pencil and markers for these. These are also the first sketches in a lovely spiralbound sketchbook that my pal Eriko sent me from Japan. The first one is of Amit and the rest are of the amazing musicians who accompanied Manisha. Geoff Rakness on upright Bass (which I kinda shrunk), Delton Davis on some bongos perhaps and Dave Lewis on drums. I had to run off to another show downtoan so I didn't get a chance to draw Manisha this time around, but it was a lot of fun.

Wednesday Figures

At last I got a chance to scan these. I started falling asleep at one point, so some of these are from then. I ended up leaving a bit early, but it was a fun session.

Wednesday Figure Drawing

I tried out some really watery ink using only a wide dipping pen and my dwindling supply of watercolors. I'm not so sure that it matters whether I use waterproof ink or not at this point. These are so quick that the ink isn't dry by the time I lay down the watercolor anyway. I'll have to try regular ink and see how much of a mess I can make with that next time.

Iran and America Make Music

I went to a show called Iran and America Make Music, co-produced by the Levantine Cultural Center last night. Opening with John Densmore on percussion was a group called Reluctant Gurus with Donna Delory on vocals and Hani Naser on oud, at the Wilshire Ebell Theatre. Ney Nava Dance Theatre did a dance performance followed by Reza Derakshani (vocals, tar, setar, kamancheh and ney) and John Densmore (percussionist) with Carlitos Del Puerto on bass, Dennis Hamm on keyboards, and percussionist Cristina Berio. Yeah..can't go wrong with that.

Faith Jam 2007

Thanks to my brother Waqas, I went to Faith Jam 2007 with a bunch of friends including cameraless Ammar, to see Junoon. It turned out to be Salman Ahmad and a really good tabla player Samir Chatterjee, instead of the full band. The whole night was a lot of fun, with some throat singing and tyco drumming from Om Ensemble, an energetic and fun Israeli band called missFlag, Junoon and then a church choir and band called Christ Our Redeemer, before the audience and all the musicians came together at the end. There were also two really funny comedians; Maz Jobrani and Eric Schwartz. I managed a sketch of Salman Ahmad and the tabla player Samir Chatterjee.

It's always fun checking out music and bumping into friendly faces, familiar and new.

Hip Hop for Education

I went to a show called Hip Hop for Education after work on Saturday. I think I just missed Quetzal, but I did see a bunch of other fun acts. Suheir Hammad and Saul Williams in particular were amazing. They both performed some very powerful spoken word, the kind that makes you hang on to every word. I didn't manage to get in a drawing of Suheir Hammad (sometimes you just have to listen), but pulled myself out enough to get in a sketch of Saul Williams (fourth sketch). I also drew Sabac Red (first sketch), X Clan (second sketch), a security guard, a hip hop fan and visual artist named Anthony (gave him the sketch) and a strange downtown LA skyline on a night with a full moon and lunar eclipse. Some of the performers I saw but didn't get to draw were Visionaries, Medusa, and a few others.

LA Contemporary Dance

Went to check out the LA Contemporary Dance group perform at LACMA. It was a lot of fun to see what they did inspired by the works of Magritte. It was family day, so there were tons of funny little kids all over. A woman next to me explained to two little girls that what the dancers were doing was surrealism. The little one sat quiet, then pointed and knowingly said "That's funny!" and she was right. Another kid was pushing chairs, and many others provided additional entertainment in their own confused and happy way. The dancers loaned us kids some cool green apple masks, wigs and scarves. I sported a curly blue clown wig. It was cool. It's pretty cool to see so many parents bringing their kids to check out art, and then to see them understand it and enjoy it in their own way. I always feel like that's how it should be. Afterwards, I grabbed some food then checked out the Crafts and Folk Art Museum with my brother Waqas. That place always has amazing stuff. This time I got to see works by Ramona Otto, who was there to tell all kinds of fun stories behind her pieces.

Forever Flamenco

To round out my Sunday, I head over to the Fountain Theatre, for Forever Flamenco. The first sketch is of the cafe at the theatre. Next I did one of José Tanaka playing guitar, Richard Chavez dancing, two of Lakshmi Basile dancing and finally one of Rosa Maria Prats singing. I didn't get to draw Luis Pena, but he too was amazing. It was all over so quick. Very energetic and fun. There was so much expression. Not a bad way to prepare for the next grueling work week.

Featured Artist: Jorge Martinez

I wanted to feature a piece by my extremely talented friend, Jorge Martinez. We actually met at a show at the Temple Bar a couple of years ago, and I saw him again at a show there last night. I did a few sketches, which I'll post after this, but he did one too. I was going to post that, but he sent me this other piece to put up instead. He does amazing things with cut paper, markers etc. I've been trying for a long time to get him to put his work out there. He is an amazing talent and this is the smallest taste of his work. Please email him and encourage him to setup a presense on the web.